Quality Control
Keeping in mind the consistency of the quality that should be maintained in Battery Industries and increasing improvements in testing equipments, the company has installed the latest and the most sophisticated testing equipment namely Optical Emission Photo Spectrometer imported from M/s SPECTROLAB, Germany along with wet lab analysis equipments. This helps the company to provide Lead Alloys of similar consistency in every batch from the first ingot to the last ingot produced.

All our Lead Alloys and Pure Lead is tested on state-of-the-art Optical Emission Spectrophotometer which gives a result of 17 elements up to 4 decimals.

Lead Alloys are manufactured with zest for near accuracy with specifications and we have always achieved homogeneous alloys in every ingot not leaving the assurance from our customers.

Our Lead Oxides are manufactured keeping in mind the concerns across all Oxide users. We are successfully able to control Iron and Copper below 15 PPM in all our batches and rightfully tested in the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.
The quality isn't only backed up with superior machines but with superior people who are quality conscious. Consultants, technicians, chemists work hand in hand to provide every batch consistency.

We work with the environment in consideration: Pollution control plays an important part in the lead related industries. Increased sensitivities to Lead and other pollutants are resulting in stiffening of the relevant mandatory environmental standards. Our pollution control systems are well-designed suitable for our kind of industry. We have PLC controlled dust collectors, wet scrubbers for effective pollution control along with proper plant design and engineering controls in order to protect our workers from occupational exposure to Lead, including control of process and fugitive emissions. We have strict codes of practice/policies/plant hygiene practices for our workforce and relevant management personnel, with the required education & training, workforce facilities and protective equipment.